Step 1: Set Up Reporting Relationships
Navigation: Personnel>>Personnel>>Positions>>All Positions (Filled and Vacant)>>[Select Company]>>[Select Employee]>>Edit Position Supervisor
Managers and direct reports can rate each other’s competencies. Therefore, the reporting relationships (direct supervisors) must be set up.
Step 2: Setup Competency Framework
Navigation: Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Qualifications-Related-Codes>>Competencies>>Competencies
Competencies are used to group 360-degree feedback questions to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of key performance areas.
Step 3: Setup 360 Multi Rater Parameters
Navigation: Talent Management>>360 Multi-Rater>>360
Multi-Rater Setup
Step 3.1: 360 Ratings
Rating Standards and corresponding Points.
Step 3.2: Overall Ratings
360 Overall Ratings
Step 3.3. 360 Questions
360-Degree feedback questions are designed to gather comprehensive feedback from various perspectives, including self-assessment, peer and team reviews, manager evaluations, and customer feedback.
Step 3.4: 360 Options
360 options allow you to configure features to be visible or hidden.
Step 4: Setup Multi-Rater Teams
Navigation: Talent Management>>360 Multi-Rater>>360
Multi-Rate Setup>>Teams>>[New Member Group]
Member Groups
• All teams will belong to one or more member groups. These groups inform the responsibility of the team by its very name.
• The member groups differ for cross-functional and non-cross-functional teams.
Step 4.2: Non-Cross-Functional Teams
Non-Cross Functional teams
• These teams are specific to a Department and comprise employees within the same department in one company.
Step 4.3: Cross-Functional Teams
Cross Functional Teams
• These teams comprise employees from any department in the organization. The team is usually time-specific and employees with the required knowledge, skills and abilities are selected to work on the project until completion.
Step 5: Select Questions
• Select the questions on which the team members will be rated.
Step 6: Select Employees
• Select the employees who are members of the various teams.
• For both cross-functional and non-cross-functional teams, the employee list displays employees by Company and Department.
• Based on the team (Peers, Project Team, Self), the system will create and display the appropriate number of records.
Step 7: Set Up HR Events
Navigation: Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events>>Events
• Set up the 360 Multi-Rater Event
• Set up the HR Event to control and manage the 360 degree reviews. This is done for both cross-functional and non-cross-functional teams.
The 360 Multi-Rater HR event is an automated event that is managed by HR or the manager. When the event is set up and the record saved, the system does the following:
1. Creates all the relevant records e.g. the 360 review records – reviewer and reviewee.
2. Displays the records according to their Event Status based on the colour-coded legend e.g. all records that have been Started will be shown in blue.
3. Sends reminders to the employee’s Inbox re the status of the 360 Multirater HR Event.
4. Creates the appropriate records so that employees, on login, can perform the 360 degree reviews (Home>>My HR Events>>360 Multi Rater).
• Define the ‘views’ that are allowed: check the relevant boxes to allow employees or managers or team leaders to see their reviews..
Step 8: Conduct the 360 Reviews
Navigation: Home>>My HR Tasks>>360 Reviews
• On logon, all participating employees will be able to access the employee records that they have to review.
• At this point, HR has the responsibility of acting as Customer and performs the review for this member group. (Future Feature).
• Managers review their direct reports.
• Team Leaders review their team members.
• Employees review each other and their managers/team leaders based on the member group to which they belong.
Step 8:
Conduct a review of Another Employee
Conduct a Self-Review
Step 9: View the 360 Summary
Navigation: HR: Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage
Events>>Events>>[Select Event]>>[+]>>360 Review Talent
Management>>360 Multi-Rater>>360 Multi-Rater Summary>>[Select
Employee: Home>>My
Performance>>My 360 Reviews
Managers: User Self
Service>>Manager>>Talent>>360 Multi-Rater (for Direct
User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Team Members Review (for Cross Functional Team members)
Team Leaders (cross-functional teams): User Self Service>>Team Leader>>360 Multi-Rater
360 Multi-Rater: A performance evaluation process where feedback is collected from multiple sources, including peers, supervisors, subordinates, and sometimes external parties like customers or clients.
360 Questions: Predefined questions used in the 360 Multi-Rater process to evaluate various competencies and performance areas.
Appraisee: The individual whose performance is being evaluated in the performance management process. This could refer to an employee, team member, or anyone under review.
Appraisal Period: The timeframe during which the employee's performance is being evaluated.
Competency Type: Categories of skills or qualities that are evaluated in the 360 Multi-Rater process.
Cross-Functional Teams: Teams comprising members from different departments or functional areas within an organization, formed to collaborate on projects requiring diverse expertise.
Customers Rate Employee: A feedback process where customers provide input on the performance of an employee who serves them directly.
Direct Reports Rate Manager: A feedback process where employees who report directly to a manager provide feedback on the manager's performance and leadership skills.
Feedback: Information provided by reviewers about an employee’s performance, which is used for performance evaluation and development.
Manager Rates Direct Reports: A feedback process where a manager evaluates the performance and contributions of their direct reports.
Member Group: A defined group of individuals within an organization, such as a team or department, who share common responsibilities in the 360-review process.
Non-Cross Functional Teams: Teams composed of members from the same department or functional area, focusing on tasks specific to their expertise.
Overall Rating: The final, summarized rating that represents an aggregate of all feedback received during the 360-review process.
Peers Rate Each Other: A feedback process where colleagues at the same hierarchical level evaluate each other's performance and contributions.
Project Team Rates Each Other: In project-based settings, team members provide feedback on each other's contributions to the project's success.
Performance Period: The specific timeframe for which an employee's performance is being assessed.
Reviewer: An individual who provides feedback, assessments, and ratings about the performance of others in the evaluation process.
Rating Scale: The system used to quantify the feedback, often involving descriptive categories such as "Always", "Sometimes" etc.
Self-Rating: A component of the performance evaluation where the individual assesses their own performance, skills, and contributions.
Team: A group of employees organized to provide and receive
feedback within the 360-review process, either cross-functional or non-cross
360 Multi-Rater Updates: What's New?
This article provides a summary of recent updates to the HRplus 360 Multi-Rater module, focusing on key enhancements. These updates include new features, fixes and improvements designed to improve both user experience and the effectiveness of the module.
1. Teams: Questions and Team Members are removed when a Team is deleted.
1. HR Events: Added new features for managing HR events within the 360 Multi-Rater module, streamlining performance evaluation processes. Read more here.
1. 360 Multi-Rater Audit: Introduced audit capabilities for tracking and reviewing 360 Multi-Rater feedback and evaluations, enhancing transparency.