360_Multi Rater pages 34-49

360_Multi Rater pages 34-49

How to Enable External Email Notifications for 360 Multi-Rater Events

Navigation: Personnel >> Event Reminders >> Master Email Settings

To allow the event to send emails to an employee's external email account when the 360 form is issued, make sure the event is flagged for this feature. Employees must have their primary email address entered in their profile under Personnel >> Employees >> Contact Info.

How to Set Up an HR Administrator for the 360 Module

Navigation: Talent Management>>HR Events>>HR Admins

HR Admins

HR Admins are responsible for organizing the 360 Multi-Rater event. Before setting up the event, it's important to designate the employee(s) who will oversee and manage it. Multiple employees can be assigned to manage each event, ensuring shared responsibility and smooth coordination.

Step 1: Create New HR Admin Record

Step 2: Enter HR Admin Details

Event Type: Select the Event Type for which the HR Admin will be responsible.

Company Code and Name: Select the Company that the HR Admin. belongs to.

Last name / First Name: Select the last name or the first name of the assigned HR Admin.

Save the record and enter additional names as required for either the same or additional event types.

How do I set up Status Notifications for the 360 module?

Navigation: Talent Management>>HR Events>>Notification

360 Multi-Rater Notifications

These are notifications sent to employees and managers to inform them about upcoming or completed 360 Multi-Rater events, reminding them to engage in the review process.

Setup a Notification for the Appraisal Event

Enter the Event Notification Details

Event Type: Select the event type for which you are setting up a notification.

Event Status: Select the Event Status for which the reminder is being sent. Reminders must be set for the following status:
 Approaching Due Date: The event is nearing its deadline.
• Archived: The event has been completed and stored for historical reference.
• Cancelled: The event has been terminated before completion.
• Completed: The event has been fully carried out and finished.
 Normal: The event is ongoing and progressing as scheduled.
• Not Started: The event has not yet begun.
 Post Due Date: The event has passed its deadline without completion.
• Started: The event has been initiated and is in progress.

Remind On: Enter and select the respective values for the reminder. e.g. 3 Days.

Event Message: The system will send reminders based on the values entered in the "Remind on" field. Alternatively, you may enter a user defined event message.

The following is an example of a system-generated reminder message:

How to Name and Set Up the 360 Event as an HR Administrator

Navigation: System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Restrict Event naming

Restrict Event Naming

The Event Manager allows HR administrators to manage events to better control the HR process of setting up the HR events (appraisals, goals and 360 multi-rater, etc.).

Before an event is created, HR has the option to restrict the event naming so that this can only be done by HR personnel via the Manage Event Module. Once enabled, Managers/Employees will only be able to select Events created by HR from the Event Name drop-down list in the Events
screen, based on Company access.

By using this option for the 360 Multi-Rater, managers can select the same event name and link it to multiple teams to initiate the 360 Review process.

Step 1: Enable the Feature

Navigation: System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Restrict Event Naming

Step 2: Create Event Name

Navigation: Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events>>Events Name

Step 3: Create the Event as an HR Administrator

Navigation: Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events>>Events

As a Manager, How do I Link My Team to the Main 360 Multi-Rater Event and Send to Employees?

Navigation: Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events>>Events

360 Multi-Rater HR Event

Once the teams have been created with questions and employees selected, the HR Event to control and manage the 360 reviews can be set up.

The 360 Multi-Rater HR event is an automated process typically managed by HR, though it can also be initiated by managers. HR can pre-define parameters such as the Appraisal and Performance Period dates, so when a manager initiates the event for their respective teams, these parameters are already set and will automatically populate.

When creating an event, a team does not have to be selected as HR can subsequently link their HR Team(s) to the main event. HR can then invite managers to:

• Create their teams and member groups (if this step was not already done)
• View the main 360 event
• Link their team(s) to the main 360 event

Alternatively, the Manager can enter their own event description and link their team if the HR naming event is NOT being used.

When the event is set up and the record saved with a team linked, the system does the following:

1. Creates all the relevant 360 employee reviews and places it in the "For Review" screen.
2. Displays the records according to their Event Status based on the colour-coded legend e.g. all records that are Normal (The event is ongoing and progressing as scheduled) will be shown in purple.
3. HR/Managers can review the 360 Appraisal Form. Since the form is identical for all employees within a member group, only one record needs to be verified per group.
4. In a co-ordinated effort, 360 forms can then be sent to all employees in the team, member group or to selected employees for the feedback process to start.

How does it work?

1. Create the HR Event for Non-Cross-Functional Teams OR Create the HR Event Cross-Functional Teams.
2. Review Records Created in Review Screen.
3. Review the 360 Forms Before Sending to Employees
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each Team.
5. Send out the 360 Review Forms to Employees

Step 1. HR Initiates and Creates the Main Event

Step 2. The Manager Views the Main Event and Links Their Team (s)

Step 3. Review the 360 Forms Before Sending to Employees

At this stage, edits can be made to the form if necessary. Questions can be added or removed, and employees can also be adjusted within the member groups by adding or removing them.

Step 4. Send out the 360 Review Form to Employees

When the event is set up and the record saved, the system does the following:

1.Moves all the relevant 360 records to the Active view.
2. Displays the records according to their Event Status based on the colour-coded legend e.g. all records that are Normal (The event is ongoing and progressing as scheduled) will be shown in purple.
3. Sends reminders to the employee’s Inbox re the status of the 360 Multi-Rater HR Event.
4. Creates the appropriate records so that employees, on login, can perform the 360 reviews:

1.Employee Self-Review - (Home>>My Performance>>My 360 Review).
2. Employee Review of others - (Home>>My HR Tasks>>360 Reviews).
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