HRplus Support during Global Pandemic

HRplus Support during Global Pandemic

Hello Clients,

We would like to inform you that even in the midst of this global pandemic,
HRplus Software Ltd.
is still here for you.
We continue to provide support Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (GMT-4).
Feel free contact us through our Help-site portal by or sending an email to Additionally, you can call us at any our phone numbers and Help Desk extensions. +1 (868) 225-4233
extensions 409, 413 and 486 or +1 (868) 226-4214 extensions 409, 413 and 486.
We take this opportunity to remind you, your staff and families to stay safe as much as possible as we
band together in the global fight again COVID-19.

Thank you for choosing HRplus Software. It's a pleasure to help you!